
I need to get some sleep, so substantive replies will come tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope you’ll all continue to comment and converse! Hugs, Susan.

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Aug 11Liked by Susan Bordo

I have to tell you I never understood the inclusion of Bernie in the democratic primaries. He is an independent and while he caucuses with the democrats he is not one. I think honestly he hurt the brand over time. He definitely hurt Hillary.

I truly detest that Soviet loving Jewish antisemite. I remember when the treatment of Soviet jewry was a worldwide human rights cause, he came down on the side of the Soviet Union. He only admitted to saying his grandparents were Jewish instead of Polish since Trump, when he used it to Jew-wash his aversion to Trump.

And as far as the word progressive. It's really a shame. Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive (or as my son used to call him President Awesome Mcbadass). Things may change their meaning over time, but to take something originally meant to be pro-people, pro-conservation and pro the future and turn it to mean Hamas loving twits is very sad.

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I didn't know that about the Bernie & the Soviet Union. When I read Susan Bordo's book The Destruction of Hillary Clinton, I was gratified to hear her describe exactly what I saw happening. He wouldn't concede, and his misogyny was apparent. Love your son's moniker for Teddy Roosevelt! Also agree w/both you and Susan about the word progressive.

President Awesome Mcbadass may have a challenger for that title with Kamala Harris!

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Bernie honeymooned in the Soviet Union and then proclaimed there is no antisemitism in the Russia.

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For cryin' out loud!

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Aug 11Liked by Susan Bordo

I watched it live streamed. When I saw that look it sent shivers down my spine. Even at 69 I can FEEL that look of a parent or grandparent will give to you that you KNOW you have to stop whatever you are doing and behave!

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You're on point, as usual, Susan. I agree with you that Kamala Harris may be the greatest politician in our lifetime (I'm just a few years behind you). Love your description of Piper's sensitivity to the student who was reading an emotional story about abuse. I've had dogs most of my life and my current buddy of 10 years, a corgi named Leo, shows that kind of sensitivity to any change in my own emotional or physical expression. I've come to realize that his vocabulary is incredibly extensive, too. I stopped watching the news awhile ago, except for pertinent clips. During the 45th 'administration' my family and I would watch Trevor Noah on The Daily Show for a humorous and biting perspective. Lawrence O'Donnell's criticism of MSM and its focus on Trump (as a seemingly legitimate candidate) over covering the phenomenon of the Harris Walz rallies was encouraging. I intend to give more attention to his show.

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“They are the most affectionate, loyal, funny, joyful and huggable doggies I’ve lived with. The kind of dogs who after a trying day will know just what I need. Kisses, a belly that yields when the world won’t—or maybe just a wagging tail and voiceless sympathy. They’re intuitive, goofy and loaded with energy—“

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Aug 11Liked by Susan Bordo

That perfectly describes our Beaux who is a pit mix.

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Great moment for Kamala, probably rehearsed and agreed to beforehand. She is the consumate politician. But if not, kudos to her for getting the loudmouths to shut up.

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She’s got The Look down perfectly.

Minnesotan here. I guess you can label Tim as “progressive,” but I think his ideas are pragmatic. Well-fed children learn better than hungry kids. We lose a lot of talent when young people can’t afford college or vocational training. All you have to do is look at the red states to know that reproductive choice saves lives and fertility. Felons who have served their sentences should be able to vote: how else do we re-integrate them into society. You have a perfect right to believe in the religion of your choice; you have no right to force others to participate.

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Pitties have the best smiles. I'm a cat lady. I did have one cat who just knew when I needed kitty-love, as I grieved the losses of, first, my dad, then my brother, and, finally my mom. He would just come up to me, hop into my lap, and press his forehad into mine, and purr so hard.

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