Susan, your excellent discussion of the disproportionate antisemitism being thrown at Josh Shapiro is a great service, and thanks for including that press conference clip of him taking on everything so directly. It made my eyes misty.

Meanwhile, I’m feeling your feminist feels, and I really appreciated the question your sister posed about whether Hillary could have turned the tide by just calling out Trump as the creepy stalker he was (and is). It always seems far easier in hindsight, but I’m glad Kamala is seizing the moment in a different way. May she continue to piss him off 😉

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100 Hearts to this!

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Aug 5Liked by Susan Bordo

Wow so much to unpack here.

We are going to see Trump become more and more unhinged over the next few weeks as Kamala gains in the polls. His minions were out trying to help him with that blatantly nonsensical statement. It was truly sad, ridiculous and pathetic, too.

But Lindsey Graham is right. If they pivot to policy Kamala could be in trouble. (There is also 3 months to go until election day. We are going to need alot of Tums/Rolaids/Pepcid- pick your poison) Also with the fear of a recession looming after the job numbers and Wall Street panicking, the economy is already the big issue even though democrats don't want to admit it. This spells trouble for her.

Those who do not want Shapiro are virulently antisemitic. Torres is right. Since everyone else, Kamala herself, all agree basically about the Palestinian issue, the only thing they have against Josh is that he is a Jew. (Nobody is paying attention to Pritzker because he was never really in the race for VP. And everyone knows he's Jewish. He's just what they call a "sha-shtil Jew.")

Also when Jews say something is antisemitic, it is good form to believe them, just like when POCs say something is racist. The overwhelming majority of those protests are virulently antisemitic. Calling for the destruction of the only Jewish state (from "the river to the sea" no matter the gaslighting bullshit has always meant the ethnic cleansing of the Jews of israel) I wrote this years ago https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/from-the-river-to-the-sea/

But if she picks Shapiro, then it will show she is willing to buck the antisemitic haters in her party and that is massive kudos to her. It will actually show leadership and a very needed backbone. It will also help bring back a large share of the almost 50% of Jews who now say they will be voting for Trump. But I guess we will see Tuesday.

And don't get me started on these "feminists." Since none of these major groups or leaders have yet to condemn the mass sexual violence of October 7, I simply couldn't care less what they have to say on anything about anything. Who and why they support someone doesn't mean a damn thing in my book. I also have the ability to think for myself and don't need direction from others because they think they speak for me since I too have a vagina.

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But I’m one of those feminists!! I don’t know what groups or leaders you are referring to—I’d guess they are the more self-identified “progressive” end of the feminist spectrum. There are plenty of us who don’t fit your complaint. That correction aside, I thank you for your meaty and informative comments. Thinking that you and I have to meet some day—our relationship is such a mix of agreement and disagreement! Makes it interesting.

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this is the feminists I mean, not individual humans who are human…

I also think we would have a great time together :)


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OMG! Crowds would go wild if she brushed off her shoulder referring to trump's lies at a rally. It could definitely trigger him at a debate if she said the 1st time, "let me brush this dirt off my shoulder" & calmly brushed it each time she didn't want to respond to an insult.


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Can’t wait to read your piece. I love to see her trigger him!

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It's actually pre-Kamala. It was what the psychology was saying Biden should do to him during the debate. Thankfully, Kamala & her team get it & have picked up that baton too. Obviously it's a pretty amazing feeling to have most of what you have been advocating for suddenly start happening. I even mentioned George Conway knows how to trigger trump, almost predicting (or designing ; ) his anti-psycho pac, created to trigger trump.

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Dark Kamala was originally meant to be a fun one-off title, but with it so quickly shooting to #1 out of 100, she demanded another thumping trump adventure. Now I will be more focused on putting in plenty of her triggering him for you, me & everyone. I probably would have done it anyway but your specificity helped me see it more clearly. Thanks so much!

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Looking forward to enjoying. As you know, I loved the “Dark Kamala” stack!

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You're on fire, Susan. I'm in Australia and don't know much about Harris other than "she's unpopular" but whatever. I've enjoyed your commentary about her and this contest that will affect everyone everywhere.

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She’s hugely popular now. I’d love to see how she’s being covered in Australia. Can you send any links?

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If Kamala picks Shapiro as her running mate, I will vote for her. If she picks anyone else, I will stay home on election day. The Democrats have endangered our country and the entire world by pandering to its deranged - dare I say, DEPLORABLE- Alt Left wing.

Choosing Shapiro would indicate to me that the simpering appeal to Far Left Lunacy is over.

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I have plenty of criticisms of the “Alt Left Wing” of the party and the damage they’ve done. But NOTHING compares to what Trump has done and will do if elected.

I’ll be delighted if she picks Shapiro. But I don’t imagine that it will shut them up. I’m braced for more from them. And I’ll be writing about it, of course.

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I wasn't responding to you! I was responding to Penny Adrian! I agree with you completely

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What you are advocating is blackmail. All the VP choices support Israel. All of them. You don't know the calculus that goes into choosing a VP, but I am quite sure that antisemitism and Israel are not the only factors under consideration--there's the little matter of winning against an outright fascist.

I live in Alameda County and serve on the AC Democratic Central Committee. I am a loud, proud, committed Zionist and Jew. And when the far-left loonies on the DCC spout off their antisemitic, anti-Zionist hate, I call them out on it. That is why I am there. Because the Republicans are really not an option (honestly, while they've gone batshit crazy, even at their most sane, their values are not mine and, I would argue, not Jewish values--but that is a much longer debate) and if you are not at the table, you are on the menu.

Here's the thing: I am not alone in my efforts. I. Am. Not. Alone. The past March election, with people to be seated in January 2025, will see an overwhelming majority of reasonable people seated. That did not happen by accident. It did not happen with words or threats of walking away. It happened with hard work. So get out there and work.

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Huh?? I never said I’d “walk away.” In fact, I said I’d be happy with any of the six finalists. If you’re at all familiar with my criticisms of what happened in 2016 you’d know I’d NEVER not vote. Did you mean to be answering Penny, not me?

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