Sir Humphrey from "Yes, Minister" is right that a cynic is what an idealist calls a realist.

We should remind our friends on the left that that the longest-lived person to get electoral votes for either Pres or Vice Pres is Strom Thurmond (SR/"Dixiecrat"-NC 1948).

He got more EC votes and states than Alf Landon (R-KS; longest living major party nominee) did against FDR in 1936.

It is pointless appealing to "the better angels of peoples' nature" when we know they don't have any.

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I’ve been waiting for you to write about this. And the three university presidents.

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I also want to write about why the first woman POTUS may be--Aggh--a Republican. And not just because Nikki Haley is such a skilled politician.

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She will be a Republican because most voters are in the center and have little taste for a movement that refuses to adapt to changing times. Although accepting socialism is dead and no longer viable would help leftists with the broad center. Also, our friends on the left admitting that even the socialist wing of the labo(u)r movement in the anglosphere countries supported White Australia/Jim Crow/Little England for decades might help them too.

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I’ll get to those presidents eventually, too!

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