When Roe was overturned, all I could think was, "None of them know what an abortion actually is." And yet they regulate it. In my imagination, I have explored what it would be like to drag even one politician into the room my husband and I found ourselves in a few years ago. Where doctors are huddled, discussing next steps, checking surgical schedules, all conferring and making decisions while I lay flat in a hospital bed, my head spinning from grief, shock and pain.

The presence of mind to make fast, accurate decisions of health are so far beyond any of these politicians’ IQs or EQs, for that matter. They work in the currency of stump speeches, not flesh and bone. Just once I want them to be put in the pressure cooker of emergency health crises and see if they could remain so blind in their legislative whims.

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“They work in the currency of stump speeches, not flesh and bone.” Well said!

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Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Heartbreaking.

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So awful. I'm so sorry it happened to you. Anyone who lies about late term abortions should be forced to consult with doctors who do this work and know the sad truth.

Nobody chooses late term abortions. Nobody.

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I’m sorry for the pain and grief you endured.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Susan Bordo

Late last year I saw a comment on twitter by a man (married with three kids, according to his profile) making the false statement that Democrats were all in on “abortion at nine months.”

My reply: Yes. I’ve ended two pregnancies this way, and, according to your bio, your wife has done so with three.

His response was to delete his post.

Thank you for keeping this issue front and center. It is up to all of us to call out this dangerous BS every chance we get.

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Dear Susan: I can't thank you enough for always saying EXACTLY what I complain about daily with Main-stream media outlet commentators on CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC. It seems to me they are simply a bullhorn for Republican talking points and Trump hysterics. Our President is never covered, his achievements are never covered - yet Trump is touted daily and how he is so powerful, we must submit our Country to his 30% of the vote. What happened to the voice of 70% of America? It is NOT covered. I want to point out that on Sunday, Jen Psaki did at the end of her show point out that the right is WRONG about these abortions right up until birth. They are not performed. Hillary and Nancy do not believe in killing children. This is a healthcare decision between the woman and her physician. Republicans get away with their lies on supposedly "liberal" media all the time. Trump constantly accuses Democrats of birth day abortions, in crude detail and Nobody questioned it. Just like nobody questioned the true results of the Mueller report and confirmed there was Russian interference and people went to jail. They refer to Trump and his constant rhetoric of the Russia hoax. They honestly covered Hillary like a criminal and all participated in dumping the illegally obtained e-mails from Wiki Leaks which helped Trump. I truly miss -I believe his name was Eric Buehler -who was the lone reporter who actually stated and confirmed the "liberal" media is not accurately covering the real news, they cover republican talking points. Even Nora O'Donnell on 60 Minutes with Biden and VP Harris confronted them with republican accusations and finally Harris said " do you want to interview me or keep repeating republican talking points about me." How many interviews of Hillary started with - "why don't people like you" - "why don't people trust you" - "lesser of two evils" like Hillary was just as bad a Trump??? Just look at the coverage Biden gets every day?? - Oh wait, "WHO" Biden gets NO Coverage. Its All Trump, all the time and they tell us Trump gains support with each indictment - Really???? What happened to Lock Her UP over false accusations. I truly feel Women's voices are NOT represented in the news media today at all. The Women's March after Trump was elected by Electoral College yet Hillary won the vote by 3 Million and yet nobody complained and none of Hillary's supporters were interviewed or covered. We were told to go away, Hillary was sent to the woods to drink her wine. Women are the future and we really need better representation in the media today. The Trans movement is covered daily and yet women who make up more than 50% of the population still don't have our Equal Rights Amendment.

Final rant - Biden has done more with a divided government and yet daily the press complains about his lousy poll numbers and "WHY"? Really???? Those clamoring in the press need to look at themselves and their one-sided coverage of Biden. He is old, nobody wants him to run, and why aren't people getting the message. The Dems have to do a better job in getting the info out there. No, media that is your job. His numbers remain low because every time there is good news you clarify it by saying, stocks are good, unemployment is good, great legislation passed bi-partisan (BTW) and yet they tell us nobody feels it????? Inflation, Inflation, gas and groceries. So tired of the pictures they show of Biden vs. the Trump pics. You would think Trump was still president with all the coverage he sucks up daily. Watched MSBC and for an entire hour, only names mentioned were Trump, trial dates, republican debate, Ramaswamy and how Trump's mug shot t-shirts are raising millions. Its been 7 years, the people elected Biden and yet the media refuses to move on. They have sold the Country out for clicks and crazy news that excites people. Finally, can we stop electing Presidents of our Country via "who puts on the most outrageous show." Really, that is how we got Trump. He got free coverage and it paid off and they sold us out for profits. Need new media outlet. Reminds me of the movie "Don't Look Up" they normalize crazy.

I really appreciate your voice, Susan Bordo. It is much needed today. Please keep writing.

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Ann, you can rant here on BordoLines any time you want. I can feel your frustration and anger in every line, and as you know I feel them too. I was glad to see Jen Psaki (FINALLY one of that gang said it!) but it’s so little and always so late. Of course, I’ll keep on writing about all this—I’ve been doing it since 2015 and I’m not going to stop now. But you should know that it’s support like yours that keep me going. With much love—and thanks for your taking time to write such a meaty, passionate comment! Susan.

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Thank you so much Susan. I really need to hear your voice to keep my sanity these days. Keep writing - you must have been an amazing professor. Regarding the 2016 election, I hope your book, "The Destruction of Hillary Clinton" becomes required reading in History and Political Science and Journalism.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Susan Bordo

Thank you for this! That lie just infuriates me every time I see it.

In Oregon, under the Reproductive Health Equity Act, abortion care is treated the way it should be: fully and deeply regulated just like any other health care, with strict requirements for medical school, residency, certification, continuing education, and peer-led oversight -- and it is fully insured like any other health care.

It is a common-sense approach, and it is much safer than forced birth after 6, or 15, or 24, or however many weeks -- which are known to jncrease the rate of maternal mortality and morbidity.

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Do you remember the congressman who reposted a story from The Onion that he thought was real? The story was about an eight billion dollar "Abortio-Plex" that Planned Parenthood put into place. So over the top that only a fool would fall for it. Which the fool did. After he got called on it, he deleted the post. So I can see where these idiots might actually believe that abortions can be given up to the very moment of birth and on whims of the mother. That's scary. And even if they don't really believe it (and I don't think they do!) the faithful buy it--which is even scarier.

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I know….It’s incredible what people have believed since Fox led the way with the strategy of “don’t worry if it’s true, repeat it enough and people will believe it.” And although the liberal media doesn’t do it with the same intentions—or knowingly promote lies—they’ve adopted the same practice of turning bits of sensational stuff into endlessly repeated mantras that “soak in” over time to achieve the status of fact (e.g. the “email scandal”) After that debate, I wondered just how many of them actually believe what they said—and is it scarier if they don’t or if they do? Either way, it’s horrifying.

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They tell that odious lie over and over again in public and on TV with no fear of anyone disputing them. It's so disgusting. I heard it from at least three of them last night and thought if it hadn't been Fox surely one of the moderators would have challenged their lies.

Thank you for this, Susan. No matter what they say, the fact is 80% of Americans don't believe that stupidity.

We need to keep reminding them that liars will be liars.

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Jen Psaki finally did expose that lie on her week-end show. Maybe some of the others will pick up on it. I’m not holding my breath, though.

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Hear, hear! Thanks for writing this. I too was enraged by this blatant lie. The NY Times did call it out in a live feed on the debate, but I've not heard any other news feed do so.

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The only positive is that the extremism on display last night is a losing issue among the majority of the American electorate. So as galling as it was to hear, the more Republicans focus on this issue, the worse their electoral chances are.

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True. Only Nikki Halley seemed to get that, struggling to be more moderate about abortion. She knows it is potentially an issue that can sink the GOP.

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You're right, Susan, that Nikki sees those continual lies as a danger to the GOP. She's still pro-life. But she did surprise me last night. Probably dug her own grave, but she made some good points.

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Yes, she’s cagey and smart. And I don’t trust her at all. But for sure was the most “normal” and seemingly honest (at least about some things—e.g. the GOP running up the debt) of any of them at that debate. But she’s going to have to finesse the primary, and that means she’s going to have to temporarily sound insane again! I

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I’m from SC originally so I already knew of Nikki Haley’s politics from being the governor. As a Democrat I still always found her to be the most “normal.” Watching her speak doesn’t make me as uncomfortable as other candidates.

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She didn't worry me at all when she was governor. She did seem to understand that she was governing all and not just some. But she says she would vote for Trump if he's the nominee, which tells me she's too scared of MAGA to be much of a maverick.

It could be that she'd reverse that if she should win the election, but she's still a problem, in that she's been caught in numerous lies about Democrats and isn't above instigating.

Still, you're right. As Republicans go, she may be the most 'normal'. That could well go against her. I hope.

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Ramona and @Laura: don’t trust her one tiny bit. She is the most “normal.” But she’s just as unscrupulous as the rest, so no position of hers can be counted on. And I think she’ll get the nomination if Trump gets disqualified or dies or whatever. So I consider her the biggest threat among all of them.

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She could be the biggest threat, I suppose, but to MAGA bigots and misogynists she's not even in the running.

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I’m both counting on it and afraid to count on it!!

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