Sep 3Liked by Susan Bordo

Always enjoy when you write about the bad boys. Probably because I suffered from the same adolescent fascination. Did I want to BE them? Did I want to be chosen by them? Since I've recently been involved in songwriting, I've been working for quite a while on a song called "My Last Bad Boy" - My current demo has a male singer, so a bit of a gender-bender. But I'm determined to get the right woman to sing "....loving you on top/tends to leave me on the bottom......" ETC!!!!!!! Great writing by you, as always.

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Susan! Not the books! I keep mine on the third floor. I'd put them higher if I could : )

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It was tragic.

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College was a great episode and you frame it perfectly as revolutionary in its contrasts.

However, to give due credit, it was (co) written by a friend of mine, Jim Manos, who also wrote the pilot for Dexter.

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That is great to know. I will edit to credit him.

When are you having me at your house to meet him? JK, but would love to have him read this piece.

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Happy to send it to him and connect you via email. I’m overdue to reach out to him.

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Jim is a Jersey Boy. Raised in Bergen County. Greatness is in our water.

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Bergen County for me too. Newark. Home of great authors, athletes, and a really swell senator.

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