Of course she was right. Frankly, by limiting it to the Clinton Admin, she severely downplayed the extent of the right wing conspiracy. The last legitimately elected Republican President was Eisenhower. Nixon scuttled the peace talks---illegally---to get elected in '68. Reagan did the same with the Iranian hostages in '80. HW Bush was tainted by that, and of course hiding the extent of Iran-Contra, which was just a continuation of the illegal "talks" started by Reagan. Bush of course then pardoned everyone. W Bush of course needed SCOTUS to hand him the White House on a silver platter, and Trump couldn't win a game of Go Fish without Putin's help.

Yeah, there is a vast right wing conspiracy, and Hillary Clinton barely scratched the surface of it. No wonder they all went batshit crazy when she said it. They should all be terrified of a Democrat president with the balls to go after them for the crimes they commit daily. If there is such a thing.

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She may have just scratched the surface in that comment—because she was focused on defending her husband against Starr. But her Alt-Right speech is much more than that. And those warnings, which were more broadly focused, were totally ignored. You’re right of course, that the kind of presidential corruption and reactionary thinking you cite goes way back. But (1) The Arkansas Project was the first concerted attempt to organize and involve media, etc. against the Democrats. (2) She was the first to call the right-wing out as “conspiratorial” on national television (and got excoriated for it, from both left and right.) People called her paranoid and worse.

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Thanks for the reminder. And watch some of the same processes at work to tar AOC as a radical leftist hater of “normal” people and stop people from listening to what she actually says. The “vast right wing conspiracy” is now actually in power and calling it out gets her nothing but abuse.

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So true.

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Excellent writing about Clinton. We have seen the foretold right-wing conspiracy fester since Clinton's defeat, from the stacked Supreme Court, to the teams of inept lawyers and petty functionaries etc who tried to finagle the legal system into justifying the 1/6 riot.

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Thankyou. She warned us.

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Loved your Hillary book and bought copies for several friends. Forwarded this post to several too.

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So pleased to hear this!! And yes, get as many friends as you can on board with my substack. It’s one of the few places where Hillary will never be forgotten. (See the stacks on “Goodbye, Postfeminism” and “Hillary’s Pneumonia and Biden’s Corvette.”)

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The Right only tolerate women, not Women

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